Tractor Accident

24 November, 2010: The City of Hope sends our prayers to our tractor driver Mr. Samuel Steli and Ba John, who were in a vehicle accident today on their way to York Farm to collect vegetables for the animals. A truck hit the tractor as it was turning onto the road to the farm, and by the time the Sisters got to the scene of the accident, Mr. Stan and Ba John were already taken to hospital.

Two pieces of the tractor

Fortunately, Ba John only suffered from bruises and a few stitches. Although shocked, he was able to return home in the evening.   However, Mr. Stan will stay in hospital for quite some time as his leg is broken and will probably require an operation.   We thank God that they managed to survive as it is a miracle. The tractor is broken in two pieces.

About admin

Valerio was onsite volunteer in 2010. Created the website when in COH. Hosting admin and site technical admin since then. Content is directly managed by the Sisters at City Of Hope.
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